Sandboarding: 7 Things Every Beginner Should Know

Sandboarding is a popular outdoor activity  that can be done almost anywhere where there are sand dunes. . It is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors.

If you are new to this, there are some similarities between this sand skiing and snowboarding. In the article below, we’ll explore more about this sport and more.

1. What is Sand boarding?


Sandboarding or Sand surfing is an extreme exercise that involves the participants riding down the sands with both feet strapped on the board. Dune riders can sandboard while sitted or lying on the board. 

2. The Origin Of Sand Surfing

Sandboarding can be traced back to ancient Egytpt where Egyptians would slide down a sand dune using clay or pieces of wood. 

The sport started gaining traction in the US in the 1960s where people used snow sleds, plastic saucers and cardboards. 

During that time dune riders would use any board ride down desert dunes or beach dunes. In 1991 pioneer Beale started making snowboards and in 2000 they opened the 1st sandboarding park in Oregon. 

The popularity of this extreme sport has grown all over the world. There are multiple sandboarding destinations, sandboarding tours and annual sandboarding world championships around the world.

3. What you Need for Sand Sledding  

sand surfing

Before you take off on a 50-foot slope to sand surf, there are things you need to carry. You need the right gear and equipment for this adrenaline rush sport and here’s what we recommend:

  • Sand board

Get yourself a sandboard and ensure that you wax it properly. Most people make the mistake of trying to improvise the equipment. Don’t use a snowboard.

We discourage that because you might get avoidable injuries. Don’t try to wax a snowboard to use it for sandboarding. 

  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen 
  • Helmet
  • Knee and elbow pads
  • Water

Related Read:Learn about the tallest sand dunes

Sand skiing

Since you’re going to sandboard under the hot sun, we recommend that you get yourself light clothes. You will need sunglasses to blockout excess light and dust. Ensure you remain hydrated so a water bottle will come in handy. 

We have mentioned equipment and gear but another important thing you’ll need is great company. Helps to have someone to chat with and it’s not advisable to go sand sledding all alone in case of any injuries. 

4. Things to Know Before You Sand ski

Sand is as soft as most people assume it to be. You might need a professional sandboarder to guide you if you’re a beginner. 

Not all parks rent the boards so you might need to check into sandboarding rentals and get yourself a board before starting your tour. 

You need to wax your board for a better sand surfing experience. 

Also, in case you want to visit the largest sand dune, consider asking if the sandboard park offers a dune buggy. Some deserts can be quite large and have steep slopes, making it impossible to move around on foot.

Also read: Here are different types of desert tents

5. Ride The Dunes: How to sandboard

Sand sledding

At this point you probably want to know how to sand surf. Below are some of the steps that can get you from a beginner to a pro in sand surfing with just a few trials. 

  • Put on your gear and ensure that you are well protected. Do not ignore this step. Protective gear keeps you from injuries when riding large dunes.  
  • Climb your desired dune. If you haven’t tried sand surfing before, we recommend that you choose an embryo dune (small dune). 
  • Double check your gear and equipment and ensure the foot straps are in place.
  • Get to the edge of the dune
  • Let your board’s nose point downhill get on the board with your dominant front
  • Bend the back knee and lean back
  • Keep your weight back as you go down the dune
  • Spread your arms on the sides to balance your body weight
  • Keep your eyes to the front to avoid any obstacles
  • If you want to change the direction apply some pressure on your heels and toes
  • Redo these steps. As a beginner, you’ll need several runs to perfect your style.

6. Best Sandboarding Destinations

You don’t have to go to the desert to ride the sands. There are many sandboarding spots, especially beach dunes, in the world that give you the chance to ride down the dunes while getting the cool breeze.

And, if you are a pro, go for the largest sand dunes. These will offer the thrilling experience you’re yearning for. 

This all-year-round sport has grown in popularity due to the fact that people can surf the dry sand no matter the time of the year.

There are incredible destinations that you might want to try out in your new sand surfing adventure. These are: 

Great Sand Dunes, Colorado 

Sand park

Colorado is a haven of sand surfers and sand boarders. Any sandboarding pro will probably mention Colorado as one of their favorite destinations. Great Sand Dunes are among the tallest dunes in North America.

The Great Sand Dunes National Park service is a great place for both beginners and pros because it has sand dunes of different heights with the tallest standing at 750 feet tall. 

The park doesn’t render board renting services but you can easily find local shops that do nearby. 

Al Katamiah Dunes, Cairo

If you want to go down the history rabbit hole and start your sandboarding journey where the sport was first enjoyed, the El Katameya Dunes in Cairo-Egypt is the place to go. 

With the beautiful dunes around Egypt, it’s quite obvious you get nothing less than the best experience. Al Katamiah is located 31 miles (50 kilometers) south of Cairo and it offers some of the best sand sledding spots.

Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Utah

There’s a lot of fun and memories you can get to experience and create when you sand ski down the Coral Pink Sand Dunes in Utah thanks to the red sandstone formations found there. Coral Pink Sand Dunes Park is estimated to be 3730 acres. The place is gorgeous, making the perfect place to practice sandboarding.

Apart from sand skiing, this place is perfect for outdoor photography. That is why some popular movies and shows are filmed at Coral Pink Sand Dunes. 

Sand Master Park, Florence- Oregon

Sand Master Park is found in Florence, the beautiful coast of Oregon  and this park is the first sandboarding park located along a highway. Sand Master Park has natural sand dunes with slopes ideal for beginners, intermediate and professional sand boarders. 

When you visit Sand Master Park as a beginner,you get a chance to be trained by a DRI certified instructor. Most of these certified instructors are normally former sandboarding champions so you get to learn from the best. 

Cerro Blanco, Peru

Cerro Blanko is also called Duna Grande and is found near Nazca in Peru. People claim that Cerro Blanko is one of the tallest dune in the world. Although these claims may not be true, we are sure it is the tallest dune in Peru. 

Standing on its peak, you can have a glimpse of the Pacific ocean on a clear day and you can also watch the Nazca Valley. For sand surfers, it is a hectic trek to the peak of the dune and thus you might not want to try it if you’re a beginner. 

Alternatively, you can get to the peak using a 4 by 4 dune buggy but it might not be easy either because some fail to get to the top.

Kelso Sand Dunes, California

Kelso Sand Dunes are some of the best dunes for sandboarding in California. They amazingly cover 45 square miles and go up to 650 feet.

The dunes are as a result of wind picking up sand from Mojave River and carrying it upon the mountains. The sand was then blown from the mountains forming the amazing slopes you see today.

Kelso Dunes are popularly known for producing booming sound and that is why many people claim that the dunes sing. When ascending from the peak of the dunes you will hear the booming sound like low frequency vibrations. 

Fossil Rock- Dubai

When you mention Dubai, what comes to many people’s minds is fun. Dubai is one of the best holiday destinations in the world. While most think it’s all yacht and shopping fun, you can have a different version of adventure by sandboarding in Fossil Rock Dunes. 

Fossil Rock town has so many activities to engage in and you will probably not stop at sandboarding because of other fun activities.

Chile, South America

If you are looking for a great sandboarding destination in South America then you might want to try out Chile.

In the northern part of Chile you’ll find the driest desert in the whole world- Atacama Desert. You can also go for a spectacular view at the coastal regions while surfing the sand. 

Jockey’s Ridge State Park

Jockey’s Ridge State park is another amazing park with lots of activities. What makes the place unique is the tallest sand dunes in the eastern United States are found in the park.

The park is an amazing holiday destination especially for kids. You also get to experience a mind boggling adventure at the tallest dunes in the east coast. 

Monahans Sandhills, Texas

Sand dunes

Monahans Sandhills Park is just a part of the enormous 200-mile sand belt that spreads from New Mexico to Mexico.

The sand dunes here make this park a perfect place for land-locked sandboarders and sand surfers. Although the dunes are not as high as the ones in Colorado, you’ll get plenty of fun riding the intermediate dunes. 

Negev Desert, Israel

You might want to pack up and visit the Southern part of Israel where you get to surf on the beautiful dunes. Negev Desert is found in Tel- Aviv, a natural beauty that’s currently attracting all sorts of visitors all thanks to its gorgeous geological structure. 

Negev Desert is a natural marvel you will never regret visiting. Highly recommended for family vacations, you can pitch a tent and enjoy the beautiful clear skies at night with your loved ones. 

Patara Beach

Patara Beach is found in Turkey and is one of the cutest beaches with clear skies and amazing sand dunes.

Patara Beach is near Mugla and Antalya cities. These cities are known for other awesome fun activities and nightlife.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

Is sandboarding hard?

No. With proper equipment, sandboarding is easy. As a beginner you get someone to teach you. Also frequent practice is recommended. 

You can start by learning skateboarding to make it easier. Learn how to balance your body weight so that by the time you go sandboarding you can easily balance your weight. If you don’t have a skateboard yet, you might want to buy one and skateboard in a park near you.

What is needed for sandboarding?

You need knee pads, a helmet, a sandboard, sunglasses, gloves, and sunscreen.

Does sand skiing hurt?

Yes. Even though sandboarding is referred to as an extreme sport, it is safe and there are minimal risks involved compared to other sports that are risky.

Even if you fall while riding down the sandhills, the injuries will not be serious because the sand is not so hard.

Is sandboarding harder than snowboarding?

Sandboarding is a board sport that is very similar to snowboarding. The main difference between the two sports is that sandboarding takes place on sand dunes instead of snow-covered mountains.

Because sandboarding takes place on softer terrain, it is often considered to be a more beginner-friendly sport than snowboarding. However, this does not mean that sandboarding is easy – in fact, many people find it to be just as challenging as snowboarding.

One of the main reasons why sandboarding can be more difficult than snowboarding is because the sand can be much less forgiving than snow.

If you fall while sandboarding, you are likely to get badly scraped up, whereas if you fall while snowboarding, you will most likely just end up with a few bruises.

Can you sandboard on wet sand?

Sandboarding is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, but what if it’s raining or the sand is too wet? Can you still sandboard?

The answer is yes, you can still sandboard on wet sand, but it’s not as easy as boarding on dry sand. When the sand is wet, it becomes more difficult to move around and control your board. You’ll also need to use more strength to push yourself up the dunes, so make sure you’re in good shape before trying this!

Despite the extra effort required, sandboarding on wet sand can still be a lot of fun. The moisture makes the sand softer and smoother, so you can glide down the dunes faster than usual. Just be careful not to fall too hard, especially if it’s icy or cold outside.

Can you sandboard with a skateboard?

A skateboard can provide the speed and maneuverability needed to sandboard. It is important to have a board that is wide enough so that you can stay on top of the sand and has a good grip to help with control.

Why do sandboarders wax their sandboards?

The act of sandboarding can be a messy one. Not only is sand everywhere when you’re done, but your board is covered in the stuff too. This is why waxing your sandboard is so important. It prevents the sand from sticking to the board and makes it a lot easier to clean up afterwards.

But that’s not all wax does. It also provides extra grip and control while you’re boarding, which can be especially helpful if you’re just starting out. And even if you’re an experienced sandboarder, wax can still make a big difference.

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